A fully featured nutrition and biomarker tracking tool. Designed for practitioners of Caloric Restrictrion (CRON) Diets.
Common Public License 1.0Follow CRONOMETER
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License is not CPL !!! THIS IS A LIE!!! After installation, the first license displays the current license, here is its text: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This tool helps you track your nutrition. Please understand that the data displayed in this software should always be treated as a rough estimate, not the gospel truth. The data itself may contain errors or be incomplete. The USDA food database, for instance, contains average values for most foods. Local soil and growing conditions can deviate largely from the average values. Some nutrients are under-represented in the database because not every food item has undergone comprehensive analysis. Furthermore, this software may contain unknown bugs that affect the reported values. Thus it is essential that you do not use this program to make life-critical decisions. The developers of this software accept no liability in the use of this software. Use at your own risk. "You get what you pay for" This software is provided free-of-charge, and is the result of countless hours of work by the developers. We continue to work on this software and support it at our own leisure. However, if you have an important 'must-have' feature, we will accept bribes.
Health app. Thanks for sharing. cronometer is the best!
It simply works!
Great program. I've lost 5 kilos in 4 months since I started tracking my diet!
Cron-O-Meter is an excellent diet tracking program. It is simple to use yet very comprehensive and highly customizable. I have used it for years. I have tried other diet tracking programs, but I keep coming back to this one. I am glad that the developers added the exercise feature, it allows for tracking the exercise and it is customizable as well to enter your own exercise. I use a formula that I found on the Internet to compute burnt calories as a function of weight, average heart beat rate during exercise and duration. --Elie